I think many of us experience anxiety, worry and fear from time to time. Especially in this upcoming election season.
One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Philippians 4: 6-8. I’ve loved the verse so much that it’s been on my fridge for years: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
I was recently listening to Todd White on YouTube, and he brought up this same verse. He said now it doesn’t say: “Be anxious about everything. Don’t pray about anything. Don’t be thankful. Never have peace. Trust yourself completely.” Now that spoke to me.
I was a master at ruminating and stewing about the past and present. However, God is teaching me a new pathway or way of thinking. Instead of condemning myself because I struggle, I now realize that it’s a process of transformation. I will fail at times. It’s how I deal with the sin or failure. I don’t have to beat myself up when I fail, I can give myself Grace.
I had a pattern of dwelling on my past failures. When my past sins would come to mind, the enemy would whisper in my ear and remind me that I really failed, and how could God still want me? I used to get stuck there and start condemning myself.
God would remind me of I John 1:9: “When we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanses from ALL unrighteousness.” Jesus did not say partly cleansed. He said forgiven and forgotten and removed from us as far as the east is from the west. (Psalm 103:11 -12)
Now I know I can take my thoughts captive, instead of getting anxious about past failures and life situations. I must bring my thoughts to him and ask him what he has to say about that. Who do you say I am God? I brought those things to you and now you say I’m FORGIVEN. Or I can forgive the person who hurt me.
I can choose what I’m going to dwell on. Am I going to dwell on self-loathing and my unworthiness, or am I going to dwell on what God says about me? I get to CHOOSE. I get to take my thoughts captive.
What is the truth? God says I am chosen/forgiven/ beloved.
I learned there was a root to my anxiety. I asked God, “When did I start becoming anxious and start ruminating about things?” The answer came immediately.
For me it was in third grade when they introduced “modern math” … Every day the teacher would introduce a new concept. And I just felt like I was getting days and days behind, and I would lay in bed at night and worry about getting behind. Then I’d think or worry, “I’ve got to get some sleep.”
So as an adult I had to bring that to God so that God could heal that wound. This way it won’t have power over me anymore. Addiction to worry and anxiety is like an infection. It is an infection of an unhealed wound. I can treat that anxiety and worry by staying up at night trying to solve the issue myself… or I can bring that to God so he can clean out that wound. I can bring all my anxieties and unforgiveness to him for healing. In a sermon I heard Lysa Terkeurst say” Jesus’ blood is like an antiseptic”.
And do you know what God does with all these? He takes them on Himself. Alleluia!!
We are taught in America to look strong and not to share our wounds. Just forget or ignore the wound or pain and hopefully it will go away.
Jesus says we need each other. We are a part of the “body”. He uses my wounds, and they become my testimony. Then I can help others who are dealing with the same thing I went through.
I can choose to reject or accept what Jesus says about me. I need to accept what Jesus says about Himself. He says to put faith in God and let Him offer comfort and peace, instead of fear. So, what I’m learning is to spend time with God and bring everything to him. Bringing my past and present and future worries and anxieties to him for healing. I’m slowly learning to have a relationship with God, talking to him about the little things and the big things. Not just me doing all the talking but asking Him what he thinks about__________? What should I do about______________?
Lord, what’s on your agenda for today? Who do you want me to pray for today? Do you want me to serve at this ministry or do you have something else for me? What would you like me to do today? Is there someone you want me to call or text today?
I think God loves it when I ask him questions instead of just doing what I think might be best. When fear attacks, I now have STRATEGIES to help me:
- I say the name Jesus over the problem. Sometimes over and over. “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.”
- Prayer, “Jesus help me!”
- Singing a Christian song helps me overcome anxiety. Singing it loudly as a declaration. Most Christian music has scripture in it.
- Reading my Bible. His words are new every day. I can read the same scripture, and it comes across differently than it did the last time because his word is alive.
- Claiming a Bible verse over the problem.
Ephesians 3:20: Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could think or ask….
Luke 1:37: For nothing is impossible for God.
I pray each of you has a blessed two-way encounter with God today and experience His wonderful love and healing in any area of anxiety.