


   ___Christine Nelson 

Since 1995 Chris has taught on listening and healing prayer, and encouraged others to develop testimonies from their own lives. She has an MA in Pastoral Theology and Ministry from Luther Seminary and training with Pastoral Care Ministries (Wheaton, IL).  The ministry, gifts, and work of the Holy Spirit are foundational to her work.  Her passion: “I really want people to make the connection between making time and space in their lives for a more intimate friendship with God, and how, when we begin to see and know ourselves from His point of view, old bondages fall away and we find inspiration to go on–to embrace our inheritance as new creations in Christ!”

   ___Diane Paulson 

Diane has been part of the leadership team since 2000, helping behind the scenes to coordinate prayer clinics, healing retreats, and doing administrative duties. She also received training as a spiritual director at Christos (Lino Lakes) and Pastoral Care Ministry. Her background as a social worker and life experience as a home-maker, wife, and mother have also developed her heart for ministry. Her passion is to see wholeness in the body of Christ; to have men and women develop a deeper relationship with Jesus who heals us from past hurts, teaches us how to daily live in His love, and is able to give us a future and a hope.